With the Laser Sensor Utility Software from Dimetix, configurations from different devices can be loaded, saved and transferred. It is important that the latest software version is used. The software can be downloaded from the Dimetix website.
If a configuration of an older/other sensor has to be transferred to a new sensor, the following steps must be carried out.
- Connect the old/other sensor to the Laser Sensor Utility
- The current configuration of the sensor can be read out with the menu file -> Read configuration from device (see top image)
- Save the current configuration on your computer: Menu File -> Save configuration as … (see center image)
- Now the new sensor can be connected to the Laser Sensor Utility
- The configuration can be downloaded directly on the sensor: Menu File -> Download configuration to device (see bottom image)
- The new sensor is now ready for use. Note: It is possible that some measurement commands have changed slightly compared to older series (more information can be found in the Manuals).